
Showing posts from January, 2019

Telehealth: The 7 Deadly Sins of Telehealth Marketing - Are You Guilty?

Do you experience any of these challenges with your telehealth program, product, or service? * Painstaking process of getting people to buy-in to your telehealth or telemedicine program? * Slow uptake for your telehealth technology or service? * Difficulty getting hospitals or other customers to join your telehealth network? While you could cite a variety of reasons for these struggles, it's highly likely that you have a marketing problem. This article covers some fundamental marketing mistakes ("sins") that are common to many industries in addition to telehealth and telemedicine. If you find that you are guilty of any of these sins, you have a golden opportunity to eliminate them from your marketing strategy, so that you can edge out your competitors and get the PR, patients, and profits you deserve. Marketing Sin #1: Field of Dreams The movie Field of Dreams starring Kevin Costner is built around a central premise that if the character played by Mr. Costner build